House Plants
Fantastic House Plants
Gardening is one of the best ways to spend a sunny spring day, and during the summertime we get to see even more flowers bloom. As fall rolls around we still get to play with cold weather foliage like pansies and mums, but when leaves start to hit the ground it means winter is coming. The flowers go to sleep and snow inevitably covers the once fertile soil. Gardening outdoors is temporarily delayed.
Wintertime can suck the energy out of all of us, and turn the air in our heated homes stuffy. Unlike tropical Florida and California, here in Chicago we experience freezing temperatures every year. Sometimes it doesn’t matter whether it’s March or November as you really can’t tell the difference.
During these dreary months, many of us miss the bloom time of spring and summer. This is just one of the reasons why house plants are so popular. Indoor plants can add color to any space and freshen the air in your home. Seeing as our leafy friends take in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen, when you keep a houseplant or two it can greatly improve your common environment, no matter the season.
Where to Find Them
When you first walk into Farmer’s Market, you immediately find yourself surrounded by vibrant, green foliage. Our stock of indoor house plants has grown greatly over time, and now our supply is abundant. We carry many different varieties to cater to everyone’s tastes and preferences.
At our garden center in Chicago, you will find house plants both small and large. We offer a variety of succulents and cacti, ideal for hot, dry environments. These plants do wonderful outside during the summer months, rarely needing more water than the occasional rainstorm, and can easily be wintered over indoors.
We also stock many tropical varieties, such as orchids and air plants. These eye-catching flora are favorites among house plant enthusiasts, as they sometimes produce pastel or neon bright flowers, and are quite fun to display. Air plants scattered in a little bowl of moss and colored sand will not only be a healthy environment for them, but makes a lovely centerpiece. Other tropicals available in our store include bromeliads, African violets, palms, gardenias, and lemon trees. (Contact us for information on seasonal availability.)
We also offer many different kinds of hanging baskets that just love sunny windows, and some that can thrive under florescent lighting.
Our terrarium selection is vast. We carry a number of premade containers, as well as everything you could need to create your own. Whether you are looking for tools small enough to navigate a fragile glass orb, colored sand, moss, or a vase you can hang in your window, we have it!
Farmer’s Market also provides customers with seasonal bulbs, like tulips, daffodils, lilies, onions, garlic, hyacinth, paper whites, and more. In springtime you can often find potted indoor hydrangea and azaleas, as well. Finally, our selection of delicate bonsai trees is stocked full and awaiting perusal.
Visit Us!
Come into Farmer’s Market, Chicago’s garden center, and explore the array of house plants we have to offer. Wondering if we have what you want in stock? Call us at 773-539-1200 and ask a member of our staff. If we don’t have the specific something you want, chances are we can get it.